Day 2 – My Journey: Fasting to Fortify – Finding Meaning in This Journey
Fasting on My Journey to My Soul Purpose
How can I claim to be a spiritual being if I don’t follow Divine Guidance?
Because blue is a color that traditionally symbolizes trust and unity, it is common to use blue blossoms as a unity symbol. Hyacinth, hydrangea, sweet pea, hibiscus and morning glory are just a few of the popular flowers that can yield blue blossoms.1
Awakening to the Magic of Life, Clarity and Simplicity, Happiness and Harmony, Intuition and Divine Guidance, Receptivity, Relaxation.2
Words are not always necessary, sometimes a simple act of giving your loved one a flower speaks for itself. Offering a morning glory flower to somebody implies that you really care about somebody, and you wish that the love between you two continues to grow, despite any adversity.3
1Garden Guides, “What is the Meaning of the Morning Glory Flower?”
2Tess Whitehurst, “The Magical and Metaphysical Properties of Flowers”
3Garden Nerdy, “What Does the Morning Glory Flower Represent?”
Image Credit 1: Smart Seeds Emporium
Image Credit 2: TodoMail, “Flores Con Una Sorprendente y Exótica Belleza”
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