Day 3 – My Journey: Fasting to Fortify – Understanding Our Inner Divinity
Fasting on My Journey to My Soul Purpose
How can I claim to be a spiritual being if I don’t follow Divine Guidance?
As a metaphor, if the seed represents the soul, then the birth of that seed into a plant represents the body manifested from the seed. The fruit, flowers, reproduction of this plant create our reality on this world, brought forward from the heart, mind, body and spirit of the plant. The seed represents our inner light, it’s fruit the reality we create.

I feel a strong connection between the seed and the Moravian Star. There is not much written on the Moravian Star, so I feel like I must build on its symbolism.
“The Moravian Star represents the greatness of God, creator of the universe, the star that led the Wise Men to Bethlehem to worship the newborn king and the star of David, the Messiah, Christ.
The Moravian Star is often made from paper and is illuminated so it shines from within.”1 Thus, the Moravian Star, like the seed, can be seen as the beginning, the source of our inner light, the soul, the beginning without end, the alpha (beginning) and omega (highest).
Like the soul, “…the Moravian Star is unique in having usually 26 points and is multidimensional. The number of star points can range from 6 to more than 100.”2 The Moravian Star is multidimensional, no fixed number of points, though these points manifest from a fixed center. The points protruding from the center, a sphere, can be equated with “the manifestation of Eternity, the beginning point, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles, flow, the ‘God force’ and Universal energies. O is the Alpha and Omega.

The Ancients proclaimed that the ‘God force’ is a circle whose centre is everywhere and its circumference is nowhere.”3 Therefore, the center of the Moravian Star, O, representing the Light of God, Our Divine Creator, Our Soul and it’s points, representing that lights’ far reaching capacity in every dimension, in every direction. We not only carry the Light of God within, we are a physical manifestation of Our Divine Creator, able to engage every dimension in every direction on this world and in this universe.

1Healthy Spirituality, “You’ve Seen One, But Do You Know the Meaning About the Moravian Star?”
2Healthy Spirituality, “You’ve Seen One, But Do You Know the Meaning About the Moravian Star?”
3Joanane Walmsely Angel Numbers, Angel Numbers – Number Sequences – Repeating 0’s
Image 2 credit: Chris B via Flickr
Image 3 credit: via Red Eyes Online
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