Flower Symbolism: Astilbe, Spray Roses, Calla Lily, Butcher’s Broom

My most recent flower arrangement consists of astilbe, spray roses, butchers broom and a white calla lily.
ASTILBE: meaning – ‘I will be waiting for you’.
ROSES: All roses symbolize God’s love at work in the world, but different colors of roses also symbolize different spiritual concepts.
- WHITE roses mean purity and holiness.
- RED roses mean passion and sacrifice.
- YELLOW roses mean wisdom and joy.
- PINK roses mean gratitude and peace.
- PURPLE or LAVENDER roses mean wonder, awe and change for the better.
Barachiel, the archangel of blessings, is usually shown in art with either a rose or rose petals, which symbolize God’s blessings that Barachiel helps deliver to people.
Since ancient times, roses have symbolized God at work in whatever situation they appear. The intricate and elegant rose offers a glimpse of a masterful creator’s active presence in creation. As this fragrant flower blooms, its buds gradually open to reveal blossoms with lovely layers—an illustration of how spiritual wisdom unfolds in people’s lives. The strong, sweet scent of a rose brings to mind the powerful sweetness of love, which is the essence of God. So it’s not surprising that many miracles and encounters with angels throughout history have involved roses.
In Islam, the fragrance of a rose represents the sacredness of people’s souls. If the scent of a rose permeates the air yet no actual roses are nearby, it’s a sign that God or one of his angels is sending a spiritual message supernaturally, through clairalience. Such messages are meant to encourage people.
In Catholicism, the scent of roses is often called the “odor of sanctity” because it indicates the presence of spiritual holiness. People have reported smelling the fragrance of roses after praying to saints in heaven to intercede for them with God about something.
BUTCHERS BROOM: One of the names given the plant, ‘Jew’s Myrtle,’ points to its use for service during the Feast of Tabernacles.
The modern Jews still adorn with myrtle the booths and sheds at the feast of tabernacles. https://biblehub.com/topical/m/myrtle.htm
The last of the Fall Feasts is called Sukkot-The Feast of Tabernacles. This feast is a joyous and happy time of giving thanks to God for His provision. We read about this feast in Leviticus 23:34-42 “On the fifteenth of this seventh month is the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to the LORD… You shall thus celebrate it as a feast to the LORD… It shall be a perpetual statute throughout your generations… You shall live in booths for seven days.”
During this feast, in many Jewish homes and synagogues, a sukkah will be constructed. A sukkah (meaning tabernacle or booth), is a temporary structure made out of lumber, grass, or any other natural substance, and is decorated with natural materials including tree branches, leaves, flowers, vegetables and fruit.
During the celebration of Sukkot many people will eat their meals, and sleep, in the sukkah for the entire seven days of the feast. While in the sukkah Jewish people remember how they had nothing in the wilderness but God. For forty years the LORD supplied their every need. He fed them supernaturally with manna, gave them water out of a rock, and caused their clothes not to wear out. They had nothing but God, yet He was enough!
CALLA LILY: The most common meaning for calla lilies is purity, holiness, and faithfulness. It’s commonly depicted in images of the Virgin Mary. Calla lilies are also symbols for rebirth and resurrection, tied to the resurrection of Jesus in part because they bloom around Easter and in part because they are shaped like trumpets which symbolize triumph.
- WHITE calla lilies symbolize purity and innocence.
- PINK calla lilies symbolize appreciation and admiration.
- PURPLE calla lilies symbolize charm and passion.
- YELLOW calla lilies symbolize gratitude.
The calla lily symbolizes the beauty of a couple’s love.
#DivineIridescence #ObedientToGod #Kyriah #loveandlight
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