Flower Arrangment – Easter Lily (05/31/2022)
I put this arrangement together a while ago. It didn’t bloom the way I wanted it to, the timing was off. It was the first arrangement I considered not posting. Then I thought about it, why didn’t I want to post this arrangement? One of the lily buds was a little “damaged.” I knew that when I bought it, but I thought, maybe if I just worked with it and coaxed it a bit it would fully bloom. In the end, it bloomed part of the way, but didn’t open like the other two and the petals on the other two buds had long fallen away, when that final bud started opening. It made me sad that the final bud never fully opened.
After a few weeks I started to think, why didn’t I post the arrangement and why was I so sad about that final bud? The answer I had concluded was, the arrangement never reached that final pinnacle of beauty I was hoping for and the bud I put so much time and effort into helping bloom never made it, I was disappointed. What are the implications of this truth? This was a message for me, to help me on my spiritual journey. I couldn’t have put more love and effort into that little bud, it just wasn’t meant to fully bloom. As I tell my children, all we can do is our very best, if we do our very best that is all that can be asked and we should be proud of that effort. The bud gave all it could and that was enough.
This spiritual journey that we are all on is challenging, profound and meaningful. No matter what we do, or how much we give, if we do our very best, that’s all any of us can ask of ourselves and those around us, and that must be enough. To judge those around us, is to judge ourselves, that is the burden we all take upon ourselves. This truth is understood as we are born into this world.
As I ruminate I realize, the bud represented a soul and its cycles, this moment of its existence ending one cycle, transitioning to the next.
The end of each cycle marks a time of divergence and is a natural part of evolution, transition and transcendence. Each of us, each soul is at a different stage of evolution, transition, transcendence. Our thoughts, actions, words determine our place, where we are meant to be or go at the end of each cycle. This ending is a beginning for all of us and as we move through this phase of transcendence, we go to the place that is proper for us at this time in our evolution. A collective is not static, it is constantly moving and changing with the flow of energy which is affected by the Divine Consciousness, the Creator of All Things, which we are all inherently part of.
Therefore, in the end, I shouldn’t be sad that the bud didn’t fully develop and open, it wasn’t meant to. In it’s next cycle, it will have the experience of this cycle to help it along, the knowing from this experience will guide it in the next experience. It may not fully open in it’s next cycle or maybe it will, but it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.
Some of the individuals on Earth may not transcend at this time, but they will begin a new cycle, with new opportunities to grow and learn. This is not punishment, this is a journey, that I do not believe ever ends, it merely transmutes, shifts, changes with the flow of energy into something different. There are many blessings afforded us, eternal life, unconditional love, autonomy, unity, change, experience, etc. Consider how you make the most of every moment of every experience of your existence. I would suggest living and loving fully and freely as a wondrous option and beginning.
LILY: Innocence, virginity, purity and modesty
DIANTHUS: flower of the gods, admiration, passion, capriciousness, affection, sadness and death, as well as love and gratitude.
STINKNET/GLOBE CHAMOMILE: Chamomile is like a guardian angel in flower form that symbolizes tranquility, protection, and guidance.
YARROW: Everlasting love
GOLDENROD: Encouragement, Good fortune
#DivineIridescence #LoveAndLight #ObedientOnlyToUnity #Eira
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