For too long, humanity has been looking outside itself for answers
For too long, humanity has been looking outside itself for answers. The time has come to look within. Everything you need, you carry within, knowledge, healing, understanding, love, forgiveness, you carry it in your heart and soul. It is encoded in your biology, your DNA, your mind and memories, the trees, oceans, rocks, soil, all living beings, all energy carries this information. Look within, pray, meditate, ask the questions, sit quietly and wait for the answers. YOU have all you need within, seek, trust, know, understand. You are your own best guide. Find you way to be a paladin of love and light.
#zayco #loveandlight #divinityslove #spirituallife #ubuntuplanet #paladinofloveandlight #buildingblocksoftheuniverse
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