Mother Earth provides all that we need
Mother Earth provides all that we need. We are a product of Our Divine Creator in solidarity with Mother Earth. Together, a Unified Source of love, life, support and nurturing. The Source of Creation is incarnated on our world in each of us, and as such, vulnerable to the duality of this world. Though with the support and nurturing provided by Mother Earth we are afforded all that is needed to live lives filled with love, joy, happiness and health. Align your vibration with the creator and nurturer, Mother Earth. In aligning your vibration with Mother Earth, you protect the physical self from what ails this world. Trust in the gifts of love and light afforded humanity. Maintain clear, centered, balanced energy and know the healing power of Mother Earth and Our Divine Creator. Embody the healing qualities of Love and light, deflect the negative polarity in this world through balance and clarity. There is never, anything to fear when you have found faith and trust in Our Divine Creator and the healing power of Mother Earth.
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