Powerful energy, powerful transitions, powerful messages (04/29/2023)
This eclipse season has rendered powerful energies. It is triggering, increasing, exalting, the heart of our Mother. We are past the midpoint of this process, the execution of Divine Will is well underway.
As the vibration of the planet rises, divergence will readily reveal itself. For those who are only now awakening, the revelatory moments that follow will be very difficult. It is the onus of those who have awakened first, to sit deep in the heart center, remain balanced and project unconditional love, healing energy, for those beginning their journey, whether that be a journey of transcendence or a journey towards additional lessons in the 3-D. We are healers, we do not judge. We embrace all with the unconditional love, acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness of the Divine Creator, for the Divine Creator is in us, around us, manifests through us, is us. We are everything everywhere and nowhere, we permeate all things, unified always never apart.
02:28 – April 25, 2023 – In and Out of Phase
14:44 – April 27, 2023 – The surface of the earth
15:25 – April 28, 2023 – From the last video – The Collective of Humanity
36:45 – April 29, 2023 – Wounded healers
Old TV with Rabbit ears
Snow on TV – 1
Snow on TV-2
Image: Brand New Tactical Knife Is The Same One Used By Navy SEALs To Open Their Wives’ Amazon Packages via The Babylon Bee
The Spiritual Law of Abundance as translated by Joanne Walmsley
#LoveAndLight #DivineIridescence #DivineLove #Eric #Eira
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