The light must be willing to walk into the darkness, for darkness cannot exist in the light

“Heaven is full of suffering souls, so enlightenment must wait. Each person has their demons. When they come to the surface, they cannot be avoided. I must enter hell and save the others.”
~Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings
All energy, all beings are born of the light. We incarnate onto the material plane. Our experiences embody the duality of the universe, light and dark. Some find their way out of the darkness through perspective of their experiences and remain in the light. Some become stuck carrying anger, bitterness, resentment, fear and dwell in the darkness. They are lost and must be embraced in love and light and helped, guided back to the light, when they are ready. We, the lightworkers of this world, this Universe, stand in the darkness, without judgment, carrying the beacon of light, emanating from our heart center, waiting to guide those who are ready, back to the light. We do not judge, judgement is a product of man not our Divine Creator. This is our purpose, our desire.
The light must be willing to walk into the darkness, for darkness cannot exist in the light.
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