The Message”…No Timeline is Set in Stone…”
I encourage you to read this message of direction, empowerment and hope. ~Laurene

The Message”…No Timeline is Set in Stone…”
Channeled and Translated by Zurilius Ra
Aŗçţųŗįāŋ Coųŋçįl męşşāgę ţo ţђę āwāķęŋęd şoųlş. Cђāŋŋęled. 3/29/18. Tђįş męşşāgę ţooķ mę 2 dāyş ţo ţŗāŋşlāţę.
We are the Arcturian Council. We bring news of the great shift. We seek to reassure that no timeline is set in stone, no decision made without opportunity to transform. We have come to warn of great unrest. We seek to balance our warning with love. We do not want to exacerbate the situation on Gaia. We seek only to affect the outcome of Gaia’s ascension for the positive. We ask warriors of light to release all last traces of fear. There is need for calm. Great swathes of negative energy are clouding the light on Gaia. As more awaken, tearing down the walls of deceit, fear is locking down their energetic systems. We see in colors and we see this energy as grey, dark and heavy. We can see density in its fabric. If these low frequencies are allowed to settle into Gaia’s vibration they will block future tidal waves of photonic light. Higher vibratory fields of light triggered by cosmic intervention. We can already see this light wave coming, as some of those on Gaia also see.
The tipping point between awakening and higher consciousness is being reached by many. Light workers prepare for business. The training of the last few Earth years has been partly in preparation for 2018. This is a key time in Gaia’s quantum leap. The American Solar Eclipse, as you aptly call it, in 2017 threw light on the darkness in the global elite’s strong hold. There has been a great and steady roll out of truth following this spotlight. There has been much done to prepare you. We commend warriors of Gaia who have shone their own lights into darkness in the face of contempt from unawakened souls. We are in continual awe of the integrity, courage and soul strength individuals have shown in this profound fight for freedom.
We have deep concerns of a crash of the collective consciousness. Overload, drowning in fear. We guide all those working in the spiritual, political, freedom activist realms to stay calm. To avoid indirect or unconscious fear mongering. We understand in some way the depth of your rage, your hunger for change, your frustration with the sleeping many. Yet we ask that you think of lost souls as your friends, your comrades, your fellow travelers. We ask that compassion be shown through each action, word and look. We ask that you use the techniques we and others have taught you to properly release and transmute negativity. To release it from your own systems and to continue to release it on behalf of others.
We understand that accelerated technological communication on Earth has shrunk your perception of reality. This has great benefits in uniting humanity in one cause, that of freedom from enslavement. We also recognise the social networks encourage and even programme urgency into their algorithms. We ask that you apply similar restraint to communications online as you would in your daily lives. We ask that a calm approach to all the chaos that is unfolding be cultivated by those with a voice and people who hear. We ask that this resonance of calm be sent out across cyber networks, meditative energetic waves and in social interactions. We hope that we are not asking too much. We feel aware that we have a disconnection to the experience many of you are having. We ask that our words be taken always in love for they are meant always in love.
We are one with humanity in this great journey to enlightenment. We are guardians, protectors, guides, travellers, way show-ers, light bearers, ascended beings of light. We can see many timelines, many Gaia’s amid great interference in the frequencies. We have a perspective of distance, of energetic colour and vibrations. We can see that in some timelines this great grey static of fear builds, hardens, becomes brick walls of division and separation on Gaia. Where war fuels a dense system of patriarchal control. This attracts more of the same. We understand to many who have religious rhetoric hardwired into their mindset, we seem to be describing hell. The metaphorical does appear to become the literal when we watch timelines of the descent of man. These timelines are translucent, they flicker with uncertainty. In many more timelines we see a green and glowing Gaia. We see many decades of hard work. Of restoration. Redesigning your cities, your agriculture, your relationship with the oceans of Gaia.
Just as there are whistleblowers so to there are infiltrators. These elements are causing great disruption to the spiritual awakening process. By clouding natural ascension to love with anxiety, fear and stress. It is immensely difficult for humans on Gaia to understand quantum universal laws. The universe is communicating with each of us all the time. We only have to listen, to watch, to be aware. Nature communicates. Synchronicities and numerical sequences are guides communicating. There are many many beings assisting her ascension process. Language comes in many forms. Interactions with animals, birds and nature should be considered important. We are nudging our people along the highest paths of vibratory light. This maximizes the light burning on Gaia. It is time to fully embrace your light. To step into your power as higher frequency beings on Gaia. Many lightwarriors have transitioned to the fifth dimension and are now working from there in the third dimension. We commend each and everyone of you for your fearless release of karma, your continued energy clearing and your passion for peace.
It is this passion that we ask you to meditate on. To manifest peace we must be peace. If you are angry, fearful, stressed you will create this as your immediate experience. Manifestation in the fifth dimension is vastly accelerated compared to the third dimension. In the controlled dense vibration of the third dimension manifestation becomes a very slow process. Beliefs and dreams are inner strength. When they are attacked, boxed in, limited, people give up hope. The use of pharmaceuticals has also contributed to the lowering of and stagnation of vibratory fields.
Humans are raw, their wounds are being uncovered, their eyes are being opened and they are finally awakening to the vast complexity of consciousness. The trance state most of humanity is locked in prevents expansion of consciousness. This has also affected the process of manifestation. In the fifth dimension or beyond the frequencies are light, clear of blocks, static, interference or density, there is speed in love manifestation. Warriors of Gaia, those who resonate with the role of volunteer, starseed, healer, activist, peace warrior, many of you are in the fifth dimension. What we are seeing is when you allow fear or anger or pain to overflow your heart the effects are far greater than from the third dimension. The outflow of negative, heavy, energy has more damaging effect than the ongoing low vibrations of much of the population. As light workers there is a responsibility to find some detachment, to understand there is a mission and to honour this mission from your soul.
We are sharing this message with you in good faith, as you would say. We do not want to alarm you as clearly that would be counterproductive. We are asking that you disengage emotionally through healing therapies and meditation. Share with each other, exchange, strengthen and balance each other. We are preparing you for great transformation of Gaia. We are with you every step of the way. We are your loyal and loving guides and protectors. We can see where many can’t. We can see magic in Gaia’s future. We can see abundance on Gaia. We can see balance and harmony restored. The beauty and creativity and complexity of humanity explored, expressed in all her glory. We can see swathes of emerald, indigo and golden light emanating form Gaia’s core. Soon there will be another great shift. More will transcend to fifth dimension.
Healers, activists, warriors of light and of Gaia we join you in love, we bless you with light, we bow to your inner strength. We are the Arcturian Council of Twelve, we come in many guises to your people, we are sometimes seen as gods or as aliens. We are neither and both. We are beings in a multi verse of vast and infinite possibility. We look forward to humanity connecting to universal love frequency. We welcome Gaia’s dwellers to the intergalactic community. We are grateful to all that has been done in this great shift to quantum collective unified consciousness. In gratitude and humility, the Arcturain Council.
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