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Using Affirmations to Manifest…12/26/2018

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My friend, Nicole and me at ECETI – Trout Lake, WA

Affirmations are simple, positive thoughts, beliefs, words and phrases that affirm our lifes’ true desires.  When we positively express words, thoughts and beliefs that we honestly want to bring into our lives, we empower ourselves to bring such things into our world.  Repeating such affirmations over and over allows the subconscious mind to accept what we affirm as fact, opening pathways for behavior to follow accordingly. 1

I will reconcile my spiritual connection and communication with telepathic connections and communications.

I will reconcile the otherworldly with the inner.

I will reconcile the grander with the mundane and maintain perspective.

I am a paladin of love and light.  I will always be a being of love and light.

I remain in the light.  I am a beacon of light for all.  I am steadfast and unwavering.

I am a servant of the light because I am the light. I hold faith to the light as it represents all things good.

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ECETI – Trout Lake, WA

1Using Affirmations to Manifest by Joanne Walmsley – Sacred Scribes

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