We Experience the Necessary Change for the Resurrection of Mother Earth (04/14/2023)
We are in a profound time of change. We are coming to the end of a very challenging time. It is the most arduous part, but we will feel the greatest relief when this phase is complete. We will experience the greatest resistance as we move through this revelatory phase. The feeling of control and power that this unbalanced energy perceived is revealed as a mere construct of its reality. This unbalanced energy is not meant to coalesce at higher levels of consciousness, and thus, there are no pathways of transcendence for unbalanced energy. The Divine Consciousness, is patient, loving and provides All with what is needed to fulfill, path and purpose.
We reach out to the Universe from a balanced place and the Universe reaches back. We explore all time as now and work towards integrating this truth into our paradigm. We explore the implications in the shift in paradigms, beliefs and constructs. What happens when the infrastructure is removed, what takes its place? What is time, if it’s not a unit of measure? What is the implication of telepathic communication for someone who has never explored the clairs? We are children wide eyed and wondering, on a journey of discovery.
We are moving out of the known into the unknown, with faith and trust, that this is our path and purpose, knowing that we are held in the strong and loving arms of the Divine Consciousness, the Creator of All Things. We are the alpha and the omega, the beginning without end, we are the Creator, and we have manifested a beautiful, loving world, capable of All Things.
01:22 – April 9, 2023
24:46 – April 11, 2023
42:44 – April 12, 2023
48:29 – April 13, 2023 at 9:05am
48:53 – April 13, 2023 at 9:30am
01:02:23 – April 13, 2023 at 12:05pm
ADA – The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects people with disabilities from discrimination.
FAPE – Fact Sheet: Providing Students with Disabilities Free Appropriate Public Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Addressing the Need for Compensatory Services Under Section 504
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) – Sec. 300.101 Free appropriate public education (FAPE)
Due process rights: What you need to know via Understood
Quid Pro Quo definition via dictionary.com
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Dandelion image:
Dandelion flower to seedhead blowing away time lapse
Dandelion Image with child
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