Flower Symbolism – Mourning Bride, Sedge, Snapdragon, Aster, palms, ferns…
This weeks flower arrangement consists of white China aster, snapdragons, burgundy-black mourning bride or sweet scabious. The greenery consists of Canary Island date palm, butcher’s-broom, upright sedge, Coontie palm, Leatherleaf fern and cast-iron plant. I’ve been drawn to white snapdragon’s for weeks, but they have not been present until this past Thursday, the mourning bride flower came in strong when I saw it but the color concerned me, it seems to carry a darker message that I might not want to know, but nevertheless, I grabbed them because the calling was as strong as the snapdragon.

SNAPDRAGONS can represent strength, as they’re able to grow in rocky, typically uninhabitable areas, but they can also symbolize themes like deviousness and grace.
Snapdragons are sometimes used as a charm against falsehood. They can also represent the idea of grace under pressure or in the internal strength that is necessary to overcome challenging situations.
White snapdragons are usually used to symbolize purity, innocence, and grace, as is common with white flowers of other species.
These flowers were used as a charm to protect against falsehood, they were used to symbolize truth-telling, it is also said that stepping on a snapdragon has the power to break black magic spells.
BUTCHER’S-BROOM: One of the names given the plant, ‘Jew’s Myrtle,’ points to its use for service during the Feast of Tabernacles. http://botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/b/brobut71.html
The modern Jews still adorn with myrtle the booths and sheds at the feast of tabernacles.
The last of the Fall Feasts is called Sukkot-The Feast of Tabernacles. This feast is a joyous and happy time of giving thanks to God for His provision. We read about this feast in Leviticus 23:34-42 “On the fifteenth of this seventh month is the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to the LORD… You shall thus celebrate it as a feast to the LORD… It shall be a perpetual statute throughout your generations… You shall live in booths for seven days.”
During this feast, in many Jewish homes and synagogues, a sukkah will be constructed. A sukkah (meaning tabernacle or booth), is a temporary structure made out of lumber, grass, or any other natural substance, and is decorated with natural materials including tree branches, leaves, flowers, vegetables and fruit.
During the celebration of Sukkot many people will eat their meals, and sleep, in the sukkah for the entire seven days of the feast. While in the sukkah Jewish people remember how they had nothing in the wilderness but God. For forty years the LORD supplied their every need. He fed them supernaturally with manna, gave them water out of a rock, and caused their clothes not to wear out. They had nothing but God, yet He was enough! https://discoveringthejewishjesus.com/feast-of-tabernacles/
UPRIGHT SEDGE: That sedge denotes memory-knowledge, is because every herb in the Word signifies some kind of memory-knowledge; the sedge that is at the bank of a river signifies memory-knowledge of low value; as also in Isaiah:–
The streams shall recede, and the rivers of Egypt shall be dried up; the reed and the sedge shall wither away (Isa. 19:6);
streams denote things of intelligence (AC 2702, 3051); the rivers of Egypt shall be dried up denotes things of memory-knowledge; the reed and the sedge denote the lowest memory-knowledges, which are sensuous. Sedge denotes false memory-knowledges in Jonah:
The waters compassed me about even to the soul; the deep was round about me, the sedge (here seaweed) was bound about my head (Jonah 2:5);
in this prophetic utterance is described a state of temptations; the waters which compassed even to the soul denote falsities; that inundations of waters denote temptations and desolations, (AC 705, 739, 790, 5725); the deep round about is the evil of falsity; the seaweed bound about the head denotes false memory-knowledges besetting truth and good, as is the case in a state of desolation. http://www.biblemeanings.info/Words/Plant/Sedge.htm
MOURNING BRIDE OR SWEET SCABIOUS: In some sources you will find that Scabious is symbolic of “unfortunate love”, which I take to mean either destructive love that cannot end well, or unrequited love. I doubt anyone is going to make a flower arrangement based on that idea, unless it’s a deeply dour individual!
A situation where scabious can bring another meaning into play well is at funerals. One of the common names of some scabious is “Mourning Bride” – it is the widow’s flower (perhaps another form of unfortunate love), and the deep shades of Scabiosa atropurpurea bring a sombre tone to any funeral arrangement. It is said to also signify admiration, a fitting aspect to any funeral service. https://casaburgunda.wordpress.com/2015/08/15/scabious/
CHINA ASTER: The main meanings of Aster flower are:
• Love of variety
• Daintiness
• Elegance
• Patience
• Afterthought
Daintiness of Aster flower signifies gentle and kind personality, someone who is almost fragile. Aster flower goes with everything that is classy, elegant, and delicate. Aster will help you and the other side overcome eventual tough period easier. Aster flower’s connection with patience is famous through centuries.
We all have those moments when we remember things or people that don’t exist anymore. Our emotions towards them are strong, so if you want to let out all the sorrow and pain, make sure you take Aster flower to a grave of someone you were close to and whose departure was much hurtful. On the other side, if you want to say farewell or goodbye to someone who is going away or someone who won’t exist on this planet anymore, get Aster flowers bouquet.
Aster flower represents the eye of Christ in France. The French laid these flowers on the graves of dead soldiers, as this flower signifies remembrance, but also helps you say goodbye to people who are not with you anymore.
White Aster flowers, as white color symbolizes purity, innocence, faith, and spirituality. The white Aster will bring in pure and good energy in your oasis, your home.
China aster [Callistephus chinensis(L.)Nees.] is native of China. The genus Callistephus derives its name from two Greek words ‘Kalistos’ and ‘Stephos’ meaning ‘MOST BEAUTIFUL’ and ‘A CROWN’, respectively. China aster is one of the most preferable flower crops cultivated.
LEATHERLEAF FERN: Fern Symbolism The fern symbolizes eternal youth. To the indigenous Maori of New Zealand, the fern represented new life and new beginnings. To the Japanese, the fern symbolizes family and the hope for future generations. According to Victorians, the fern symbolized humility and sincerity.
#DivineIridescence #ObedientToGod #Kyriah
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