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Between the Solar and Lunar Eclipses the Energy is Intense and So Are the Messages (11/06/2022)

There were many messages this week. They were profound and overwhelming to receive and are necessary to share. Much of the information in this video revolves around the nuts and bolts of transcendence. We must release the old, to allow in the new. What is the old? Old paradigms, old beliefs and old ways of thinking. Societal, governmental and economic structures are being revised to support the new way of life and thinking set forth by the Divine. This will be a beautiful new beginning, but the old must first be removed. What we are experiencing is the removal of old structures, physical, literal and metaphoric to make way for the new. Essentially, it is housekeeping on a global scale. This comment is not mean to marginalize the experience, but this is not the exciting transition humanity is waiting for, this is humanity knee deep in the weeks, clearing the way for a new beginning. Thank you for your commitment. We are paladins of love and light, we are Unified Always, Never Apart.


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