Flower Symbolism: Peony, Persian Buttercup, Daisy and Tutsan

This is my latest arrangement. The Peony in this arrangement was a gift from the florist. Gifts always hold a profound message for me that must be honored. This arrangement includes, the aforementioned white Peony, white Persian Buttercup, pink Daises and Tutsan.

First, I must start with the TUTSAN, healing, healing, healing! This planet is healing, as are we, even though it may not be readily apparent. White PEONIES, as beautiful as they are, symbolize shame, shyness, regret, or apology. In contrast, the PEONY flower itself carry symbolism such as wealth, prosperity, good fortune, purity, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, prosperity, abundance, compassion, the changing seasons, transience of life and the fleetingness of nature. In Chinese medicine their healing properties are believed to bring balance and harmony to the body and mind. The DAISIES are all about happiness, connection to the sun and the joy of children. I always see children running, playing with joy in their hearts and on their faces when DAISIES come into my field.
This world is HEALING, will heal, whatever regret we feel, anything that brings sadness into our field, know we are in a profound time of change and healing, the Divine, God, The Creator of All Things does not carry resentment, it only feels UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for us. Be true to yourself/ourselves, release all that weighs on you/us, accept the Divine Love being showered upon this world, know you are loved fully and completely, allow the healing being offered to permeate every part of you.
Abundance comes to healing humanity and Mother Earth coupled with prosperity and good fortune! Open your hearts, expand your understanding of yourself, your existence. You/We are beautiful beings traveling a challenging path that comes to an end. No matter how hard, unfair or challenging this path has been, if you carry Unconditional Love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, tolerance in your heart, your being, you have succeeded in this endeavor. Know you are loved and appreciated. You will receive the promise of beauty, abundance, and Unconditional Love. This is a gift of faith. I believe in the goodness of humanity, I believe in you. I embrace my role, I am a paladin of love and light.

*See links below for the flower symbolism in this arrangement.
#LoveAndLight #DivineIridescence #Eira #AdahAnya #Zayco #Zadeh
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