Beings of Love and Light – Social Media Post – November 9, 2019 – 8:23pm PST
Social media post: “Desiree spotted this when we were walking home tonight, about 30 minutes ago. It was right outside my building. Notice when I say, “It was zipping left to right…” then it starts zipping left to right. To the naked eye, it looked like a flame. Through the lens, it looked like an orb. ”
My daughter said to me, “What’s that red light?” I said, “It’s the light at the top of the Space Needle. It shows where the top of the needle is so planes and helicopters won’t hit it.” She said, “Not THAT red light!” (with a bit of frustration) I looked up and saw what looked like a flame in the sky. She said it looked like a firework, but we both knew it wasn’t fireworks. As soon as I took note of it, it started moving up. As noted in the video and the above social media post, as soon as I commented that it was zipping around when I was taking the video, it started zipping around.

This is not the first image/photo I’ve taken or orbs or ships near the Seattle Center. Much of the time, I’ll get a vibe to take a photo and then when I look at the photos, something shows up. This is the first time I saw something first, then took the photo. It was like it was waiting for me to get my camera out and as soon as I started taking photos and video, it started slowly moving out of range.

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