Using Affirmations to Manifest…12/08/2019

I will release any residual anger and unforgiveness from my heart and mind. Let go of old, stale emotions and attachments.1
I will release, let go of whatever is needed to enable me to fulfill my soul purpose and help me bring love and light into this world. I will help bring this world into balance with everything else, from a place of love and light.
I will project love and light energy as I engage the world which will assist me in addressing and/or adjusting to upcoming changes, thus guiding me to new opportunities and experiences on my path to my soul purpose.
Affirmations are simple, positive thoughts, beliefs, words and phrases that affirm our lifes’ true desires. When we positively express words, thoughts and beliefs that we honestly want to bring into our lives, we empower ourselves to bring such things into our world. Repeating such affirmations over and over allows the subconscious mind to accept what we affirm as fact, opening pathways for behavior to follow accordingly. 2
1Angel Number 1065 by Joanne Walmsely – Sacred Scribes
2Using Affirmations to Manifest by Joanne Walmsley – Sacred Scribes
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