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The Time is NOW!

“If we are not careful, our colleges will produce a group of close-minded, unscientific, illogical propagandists, consumed with immoral acts. Be careful, 'brethren!' Be careful, teachers!” ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. —“The Purpose of Education” from Morehouse College student newspaper,…

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Octopus Spirit Totem

The octopus is a strange-looking creature that gracefully and almost eerily moves throughout the sea. The odd physical composition as well as its unique behavior have earned this creature an endless list of spiritual attributes that we can call upon…

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Fractals Exist Outside Space-Time in Time-Space

Last night I woke up and saw a complex fractal in my room. The colors were army/olive green and powder pink. It was not against the wall, it existed outside space-time in time-space. This is a place where nothing and…

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Quanta, Consciousness, Neurology and The Pineal Gland

  Many of my visions and psychic experience have inspired and taught me about the foundation and nature of The Universe.  The Fibonacci Spiral, vesica piscis and sacred geometry were unknown to me prior to what I can only describe…

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Working With Children and Energy

Love and light, energy and children. I created this video to speak to empowering parents and children in understanding how to protect their energy. Love empowers the light. Darkness cannot exist in the light.

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