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Each Must Walk Their Own Path

The time has come for each to walk their own path. The decisions each individual makes will determine their outcome during this transition. There will be no winners, or losers, only change. The only constant in the universe is change…

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We must honor Divine Guidance

We must honor Divine Guidance. Communicate telepathically, channel and honor your intuition. As this world transitions, the most effective way to navigate is to look within. This assures that you are not deceived by the illusions being put forth. #unifiedalways…

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Gnat~Fruit Fly~Fungus Gnat Significance and Symbolism

In his 1967 poem Gnat Psalm, Ted Hughes, an early advocate of neo-Shamanism, gleefully describes dancing gnats in angelic and cosmic terms, and declares God to be ‘an Almighty Gnat’.1 Gnat-Psalm (Excerpt) Ted Hughes (England, 1930-1999) When the gnats dance…

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