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Awaken from the long sleep…

Awaken from the long sleep imposed on the beings of Earth.  Spark the memory of your Divine Origin.  Entrust to the collective consciousness your dreams of hope, faith, trust, honor, integrity, mutual respect, kindness, forgiveness and unconditional love.   We…

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Spiritual Meaning of the Mermaid

Along with unrivaled beauty, myth depicts mermaids with heart-stoppingly luscious voices... They are matrons of enchantment, entreating sailors with beguiling beauty, grace and mesmerizing melodies. Seductive and charming, all those in contact with mermaids are subject to their persuasion. I…

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Humanity is awake…

Humanity is awake and requests the help of our brothers and sisters of the light. Our fears have been quelled and our hearts are open. We request aide in our ascension to the light. We trust the unconditional love carried…

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Our emotions carry our intentions

                  Carrying the emotions of bitterness, anger, resentment, judgement, revenge or the desire for retribution is not a mindset of ascension. These emotions represent blocks to the ascension of the collective consciousness…

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The Spiritual Law of Grace

Translated by Joanne Walmsely Grace is a Divine dispensation of mercy.  It dissolves karma, creates miracles and can change matter.  Our soul has accepted the opportunity to incarnate on this planet to learn about and experience emotions and a physical…

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