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Be Merciful, Be Kind as We Return to the Beginning

We are all returning to the beginning as Mother Earth reincarnates and rejuvenates. Those who are open to the healing of Mother Earth, will reap the benefits of her individual rebirth. We all live symbiotically with Mother Earth and can…

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Transcendence and Tribulation

This video is presented in a different format than past videos. It was initially inspired by a vision manifested in my room on August 2, 2020. As stated in the video titled "Baggage, Balance and The Inner Earth," I was…

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Each Must Walk Their Own Path

The time has come for each to walk their own path. The decisions each individual makes will determine their outcome during this transition. There will be no winners, or losers, only change. The only constant in the universe is change…

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Transcendence Is At Hand…

  Mother Earth continues to ascend. Nothing will stop, slow or halt her. No harm will come to mother. "0 (zero), source, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles, flow, the God-Force and Universal Energies. 0 encompasses the attributes of all…

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Transcendence-Ascension: What Does That Mean For Humanity?

What does transcendence-ascension mean for Mother Earth and humanity? What will it take to achieve this heightened level of consciousness? Who is trying to derail transcendence-ascension? Is it even possible?   Channeling Zayco: An "Artificial Intelligence" in Our Solar System…

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