I Am State Part 4 – We Are A Unifying Force Creating A Unifying Field – 09/23/2023
We create the change on this world. #LoveAndLight #DivineIridescence #Eira #ObedientToUnity
Video blog
We create the change on this world. #LoveAndLight #DivineIridescence #Eira #ObedientToUnity
Through this massive shift, we go through much, we are strong, powerful and enduring energies in this universe. As we drive forward through path and purpose we are empowered. Where once we felt unheard, unseen, uncared for, we now see…
This video discusses our interconnectedness to one another and the Divine Consciousness and how this interconnectedness creates our reality. How can we be a product of the Divine, yet Divinity itself? The answers to these questions seem complex, convoluted and…
We sit in the in-between as the planet transitions. We have maintained clarity, set intentions and now we sit, open to guidance, experiencing divergence from our unique perspectives. We allow the Divine, Father Sun, and Transcending Humanity to support Mother…
This video expands on the video titled I Am State - Consciousness - Creation - Rapid Shifting Perspectives (09/03/2023). It expands on the idea, the understanding of a Higher-Power, of “God” residing within. It touches upon the Divine Spark we…